frequently asked questions-birth

How do I reserve a birth photography session?

A 50% deposit is required to reserve the weeks surrounding your due date (38 weeks-delivery). The addition 50% is due when your pregnancy reaches 37 weeks.

When do you come [to my birth] and how long do you stay afterwards?

I will come to your birth when your healthcare provider determines you are in active labor. This is usually between 5-6 cm dilation. I will continue to document your experience for at least one hour after delivery.

What happens if I go into labor early? 

Though not officially on call until 38 weeks, I will make every effort to photograph your birth experience should you go into labor early.

What happens if I have my baby at night? 

Babies come at night! And just like you I will have my birth bag ready to go, even in the middle of the night. The closer it is to your due date the more contact we will have with each other. You will be updating me with all your labor signs/symptoms much as you would a doctor or midwife. At your first sign of labor, I want to know!

Do you use artificial light [flash]?

I am a lover of light, and using available light is what I do best. I love capturing the mood…candle-lit water birth anyone? But yes, I do use flash (even at those candle-lit births!). I use it sparingly + respectfully, and honestly? I don’t think any mother has even noticed my flash 🙂

What happens if for some reason you can’t make my birth? 

Though every effort is made to make it to your birth before your little one arrives, unforeseen circumstances do sometimes arise that could prevent me from making it. In the event that I am unable to attend your birth (illness/family emergency) I will contact my back up photographer. If your baby is born while I am on my way to your place of birth I will start coverage as soon as I arrive and capture all the first moments we, as parents, never want to forget.

How long does it take before my photos are ready? And how do I get them?

It typically takes 2-3 weeks for me to finish editing your birth images. Once complete, I will upload them to a password protected gallery you can share with family or friends. Here you will be able to view your images, order prints + albums, and download the high resolution files.

How many images will I get?

Birth photography sessions include 100-150 fully edited, ready to print images, with access to instant download via private viewing gallery.

What is a Fresh 48 session? 

The ‘fresh 48‘ session is a 1-2 hour documentary style photography session to take place within your babies first [48] hours of life. These sessions can take place in a hospital or at your home, and are perfect for capturing the newness and love for your new baby.

email me to book your session today!–

austin birth photographer

