Austin Area Photographer | 365 days

Week 11 has long come and gone and I am just now blogging.

Fall is here and that means visiting the corm maze at Barton Hills Farms. The family had a great time picking pumpkins, and riding the train. The rest of the week was spent outside playing with friends and of course the wedding!!

Day 73|365 : My girl and her snake. She loves to make him homes outside.

week 12

“Trick or Treat”!! My little pirates have been waiting for Halloween for a long time, picked up their last minute costumes at the Pumpkin Patch and we were ready for the candy! It was a fun night, but soon enough our whole family was taken down by the nasty flu bug going around.


week 13

Fall is here and that means family sessions! This week I got to photograph the lovely Sonja from Sonja DiNanno Photography. See more of her family’s session here! Oh we also got a blacklight for the kids. It is totally awesome, I spent an hour sticking tiny stars to the ceiling so we could stargaze from Lillie’s bed.

day 86|365 | family photo session <3

week 14

Oh baby! A home-birth!! I was honored to be the one chosen to document this sweet one’s arrival on earth. Check back soon for more photos + the birth story!

day 98: Noah contemplates what crayons to get at office depot

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