Week 11 has long come and gone and I am just now blogging.
Fall is here and that means visiting the corm maze at Barton Hills Farms. The family had a great time picking pumpkins, and riding the train. The rest of the week was spent outside playing with friends and of course the wedding!!
week 12
“Trick or Treat”!! My little pirates have been waiting for Halloween for a long time, picked up their last minute costumes at the Pumpkin Patch and we were ready for the candy! It was a fun night, but soon enough our whole family was taken down by the nasty flu bug going around.
week 13
Fall is here and that means family sessions! This week I got to photograph the lovely Sonja from Sonja DiNanno Photography. See more of her family’s session here! Oh we also got a blacklight for the kids. It is totally awesome, I spent an hour sticking tiny stars to the ceiling so we could stargaze from Lillie’s bed.
week 14
Oh baby! A home-birth!! I was honored to be the one chosen to document this sweet one’s arrival on earth. Check back soon for more photos + the birth story!